
Best POS software for restaurants in India
The best restaurant POS software : POSEASE – A blessing for the Indianrestaurant industry. PosEase software has proved to be very useful in this field.


Why is CRM Required in Food Industry ?
Any restaurant maintains its position in market with their customers. And to manage customer is an art. There is also essential thing for restaurant to


Restaurant Gift Card Marketing Ideas
As in vogue these days, dining out has become a custom in probably every household. Keeping in mind the current scenario, take-aways or online food

Cloud Kitchen


Top 5 Integrations Every Hotelier Needs to Thrive in the Digital Age
The digital landscape of the hospitality industry is bustling. Travelers today prioritize seamless online experiences, personalized offers, and frictionless transactions. For hoteliers, navigating this landscape

Cafe/Coffee Shop


How to attract more customers to your Cafe/Coffee Shop?
A Cafe is a place where the customers want to sit back and relax, enjoy live music and spend some time with their associates, colleagues,

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